lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

FOLIO WINE distribuidor EEUU

FOLIO WINE es el nostre distribuidor a EEUU.


Francesc Capafons and Monserrat Ossó married in the late 1960s, merging their family names and historic vineyards in the Spanish wine regions of D.O.Q. Priorat and D.O. Montsant. Located in northeast Spain, both regions benefit from the tempering influence of the Mediterranean Sea, distinctive slate soils, and a rich winemaking legacy that has left them with a high percentage of ancient, low-yielding vines. From these historic areas, the Capafons-Ossó family produces balanced, expressive wines that continue to garner critical acclaim.

The unique black slate soils of Priorat force the roots of vines to dig deeply for water, resulting in small yields of highly concentrated berries. From their Priorat vineyards the Capafons-Ossó family produces Mas de Masos, a combination of old-vine Garnacha and Cariñena with Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah; Sirsell, a smooth, fruity wine, is blended from Garnacha, Cariñena, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. The Priorat vineyard also produces Masos d’en Cubells, a proprietary blend of Garnacha, Cariñena, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah from vines 50 to 100 years old.

From the Montsant region the family produces Vessants, a smooth, complex fruit-driven red, as well as Masia Esplanes, a succulent blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Garnacha and Syrah.

Explore the world of Spanish wines through Capafons-Ossó, where unique terroir meets family winemaking traditions that have been passed down through five generations.

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Francesc i Montserrat

Francesc i Montserrat

Inaugurem Blog

Estimats amics, sóc Francesc Capafons, fundador d'aquest celler CAPAFONS-OSSÓ, que juntament amb la meva dona Montserrat i els meus cinc fills, estem veient créixer dia a dia amb il lusió i molt d'esforç.
Avui primer dia de la primavera 2009 inaugurem aquest Blog amb l'objectiu d'acostar-nos més a vosaltres i que pogueu conèixer què fem i què ens motiva per seguir endavant.
Gràcies per estar aquí, una abraçada!
Estimados amigos, soy Francesc Capafons, fundador de esta bodega CAPAFONS-OSSÓ, que junto a mi mujer Montserrat y mis cinco hijos, estamos viendo crecer día a día con ilusión y mucho esfuerzo.
Hoy primer día de la primavera 2009 inauguramos este Blog con el objetivo de acercarnos más a vosotros y que podais conocer qué hacemos y qué nos motiva para seguir adelante.
Gracias por estar ahí, un abrazo!
Dear friends, I am Francesc Capafons, founder of this winery CAPAFONS-OSSÓ who along with my wife Montserrat and my five children, we see growing every day with enthusiasm and hard work.
Today, first day of spring 2009 we open this blog in order to get closer to you and that you know what we do and what motivates us to move forward. Thanks for being there, a hug!